Rs Sharma Ancient History Pdf

Today I will tell you about the Old NCERT R S Sharma Ancient India and the one by Oxford, Ancient History of India by Ram Sharan Sharma R S Sharma. What is the difference between these two?

Many times students get confused that we are asked to read All NCERT, so this Oxford R S Sharma book, is it different or the same or is there a difference?

So I will tell you which one you should read. Is there a difference in them or not? So first of all let’s talk about All NCERT. So from the time this book was published in the beginning till then, there have been no special changes in it.

Rs Sharma Ancient History Pdf
Rs Sharma Ancient History PdfLink

You can call this book a slightly modified version of the same book, that is the Oxford book, and in Oxford too, like I have the 2018, 19 edition. In this also if you take the 2020, 2021 edition, then the cover has changed.

Apart from that, there is no special change in it. What is the difference between the old NCERT and this Oxford publication R F Sharma?

Firstly, there is a difference in paper quality. The Oxford book has good paper quality, whereas you will not find old NCERT in good quality now. Secondly, you will find more pictures in the old NCERT among the two. Whereas, this Oxford book has very few pictures.

It is there, but in the initial chapters, there are no pictures. Whereas, in these chapters, the old NCERT has pictures, so you will find pictures in it. Though they are not very good, you will find pictures in the old NCERT.

Maps etc. are there in both, but the Oxford ones are clearer and are done in a better way because look at its printing. It is a very very good printing but there is a difference in the pricing. You can get this ancient India for 100 to 150 rupees, whereas the Oxford R.S. Sharma book is available for around 225 to 250 rupees. Now let us see how is the content in it.

How is the Content?

As I have told you about the pictures there are a few more pictures. Now I will show you the index, and special list of Old NCERT, what is the difference?

What is the difference?

In this, only the names of some topics have changed, you will not feel any difference in it like the importance of ancient Indian history. Well, I will explain it like this, the importance of ancient Indian history, modern writers, types of sources, and the creation of history. In this, you can see the importance of ancient Indian history, modern history, the creation of history,y and its sources, that is, the words are a little different, and the rest is almost the same.

Then there is the geographical situation. It is named geographical structure. The rest of the material is almost the same. Then there is a fifth topic in it. Stone Age. In this, the entire Stone Age, Mesolithic Age, and Neolithic Age are all given together.

Two different topics have been made in it. The entire Stone Age has a separate seventh chapter and a separate chapter has been given for the Neolithic Age but in between there are two more topics ecology and environment.

Fifth and linguistic background. You will not find these two topics in World NCERT, whereas you can find them in the Oxford book. All the topics are the same. There are some changes, I will tell you what has been given. Like, the topic is the arrival of Aryans and the Rig Vedic Age and the second is the North Vedic System.

These two topics are given in Old NCERT of Aryan Civilization, whereas you will find a topic in it of Aryan Culture.

After that comes the Rig Vedic period and after that the Uttar Vedic period, which is the identity of the Aryan culture.

This is a slightly different topic. Although you will find many points about this in NCERT, still many things related to Aryan culture have been added separately to this topic.

Apart from this, the right to answer, Jain Dharma, Iranian religion, and Magduniya invasion, all topics ahead are the same. However, you will find some additions to some topics. Can you believe in any 2%, or 5%?

In Oxford, my opinion is that although there is a difference of ₹ 100 in pricing, you should buy Oxford Publication RS Sharma instead of Old NCERT. You should buy the latest edition. The only drawback you will find is that there are fewer pictures in it.

Although all the pictures are not there at all, they are less, as if the whole should be related to the tools of the Stone Age. The statues of the Harappan civilization and those pictures. They are not found in this Oxford one whereas we find the old NCERT in it, so this is the difference in it.

The remaining 19% matter is the same in two-three topics which I have shown you. They have been added separately in the Oxford one. Its paper quality is good. Its printing is good. And in the other topics, some things have been added separately in some topics, so don’t go for the ₹100 one.

If you prepare for such big exams, then you should buy the Oxford one, its latest edition, for both Hindi and English medium. So you should buy that and if you are a student for UPSC or preparing for state civil services, then you can read this for prelims, etc. or if it comes in some state in the GS paper like it doesn’t come anywhere, only Modern comes, then for that you can read it.

So this is important not only for UPSC students but also for State Civil Services students. Apart from this, there are many good books available. For exams like PGTT, GT NET, and JRF Assistant Professor, you need to read NCERT, right?

Need To Read NCERT

Need to read Oxford Publications. There are many books available for this. You can choose the book according to your choice or you can also ask in the comments. Please like, comment and if you have any suggestions, please give them. If you have any questions, you can ask. Thank you.

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