Today we are going to talk about the Book Eliminate Negative Thinking by Derrick Howell. Kishore Sharma was a 132-year-old man who was trying to make his place in the busy life of Delhi. His life seemed fine from outside but from inside a constant cave was going on. The tension of work, responsibilities at home, and uncertainty about his future had mentally drained him. Her mother always delved into worst-case scenarios if the boss spoke in a somewhat stern tone.
So he felt that his job was in danger. If a friend’s call is missed, does he fear that the friendship is coming to an end?
Table of Contents
It had become his habit to find negativity in every small thing. One day, while returning home from the office, his eyes fell on a book stall situated on the roadside. Although Kishore was not fond of reading, there was something different that day. His eyes fixed on a book – Eliminate, Negative Thinking / Eliminate Negative Thinking By Derick Howell In Pdf Download
Its subtitle seemed to describe his inner condition. Overcome Negativity Control Your Thoughts and Stop Overthinking Noise. He bought that book without thinking much. When he came home that night and reached the first chapter of the book, he read Understand the Brain’s Negativity Byers. The very first line made him think. The human brain is designed to prioritize negative experiences. Knois?
A protection mechanism: He asked himself, “Is this constant negativity of mine not my fault?”
Rather, because of the wiring of my brain, this realization was an opener for it. While reading the book, Kishore remembered his childhood days when he was young. Once he accidentally lost the tiffin given by his mother in school. That day his mother had scolded him a bit but that one small incident had such an impact on his mind that till today he makes every small thing a big thing.
Eliminate Negative Thinking By Derick Howell In Pdf Download | Link 1 |
Eliminate Negative Thinking By Derick Howell In Pdf Download | Link 1 |
She thought that maybe my mind catches every negative thing so quickly because it wants to protect itself but this protection has now become a burden for me. It was further written in the book that this negativity bias is evolutionary. In ancient times, when humans lived in forests, they had to react immediately to every negative thing so that they could survive.
NoiseBut in today’s era where life has become so complicated, this bias only increases unnecessary stress and anxiety. Kishore felt as if all these things were written just for him. He read an exercise in the book, ‘Observing Your Thoughts’. He decided that from the next day he would consciously notice every thought that came to his mind, he would see which thought was negative and which was positive.
Next morning Kishore made some changes in his routine. The first thing he did was pick up a notebook and write in it ‘Today I will look at my thoughts.’ While going to office, he started consciously tracking his thoughts in the metro. When a man pushed her, the first thing that came to her mind was why are people so inconsiderate?

But the next moment he stopped himself. He thought, ‘Knois. Perhaps that man might be having some problems in his own life.’ Why am I taking this small thing so personally?
That day in the office also he observed his thoughts. When the boss said I need this report as soon as possible, his first reaction was, Am I so incompetent that I have to keep saying hurry up?
But then he consciously explained to himself, that maybe the boss has an agent requirement, this is not a criticism of my work. At the end of the day, when he opened his notebook and wrote down his observations, he realized how much his brain actually amplified negativity.
She wrote a.Thought the metro man deliberately pushed me. Reality: Maybe he too was under stress. Two thot bosses didn’t like my work. The reality was it was just a matter of urgency, not about my performance. Did he realize how important it is to challenge negative thoughts?
This was not an automatic pattern that he could not break. Another concept in the book was to redirect your focus toward positive opportunities. Kishore made a plan to make it practical. He thought that every day he would consciously write three things for which he is grateful. He found this task somewhat difficult on the first day. His habit was of negativity, but he forcefully wrote three things:
One, I have a steady job, two, I have the support of my friends, three, this morning’s weather was very good. As the days passed, this practice became easier for him. The list of gratitude increased every day. He realized that the focus of his mind was now on small happiness and not on imagined problems. Another habit Kishore adopted was to ask himself questions. Whenever a negative thought came, he would ask himself, is this thought taking me towards a practical solution?
If the answer was no, he would have abandoned that thought. Gradually this processor started getting automated. One day when his childhood friend Rajat came to meet him, he asked, ‘Knoisyar, what has happened to you?’How are you looking so calm and sorted?
Looking So Calm and Sorted?
Kishore smiled and said that he has just learned to train his mind. Rajat could not believe it. He laughingly said, is there a gym to train the mind?
Yes, Mental Gym and its first rule is to avoid negativity. When Kishore lay down on his bed at night, he thought that this is just the beginning. I have to continue this journey. This is not just a game of thought management, but also of self-love and positivity.
Next Chapters:-Eliminate Negative Thinking By Derick Howell In Pdf Download
He looked towards the next chapters of the book and mentally promised himself that he would make each lesson a part of his life. Kishore looked towards the next chapter of the book, whose title was ‘Replace Should Statements with Mindful Language’. As soon as he read it, he thought, ‘This is the biggest problem of my life.’ He used to put so much pressure on himself regarding everything. Knoski often got upset. She started reading Using Phrases Like I Should Creates Guilt and Unrealistic Expectations.
This line shook him to the core. I don’t know how many times a day he used to say such things to himself. I should get up early.I should go to the gym. I should work harder and I don’t know what else but I don’t know why he never got motivation from these should sentences but instead he felt a strange burden of guilt. The book further said that replace I should with words that are more mindful, like I want or I suck to, she thought this was a completely new concept.
I never think like this. Maybe that’s why I always feel like I’m doing something wrong. He closed the book and took out his diary. He wrote: From today onwards I will try to replace I should with I want or I choose to. Let’s see what difference it makes. Next morning the teenager woke up as soon as the alarm rang. He saw that it was 6:00. His first thought was noise. I should get up now and go for a morning walk. But then he remembered that he shouldn’t have said it. She took a deep breath and reframed the thought in her mind: Do I want to go on vacation?
She thought for a few seconds and replied, Yes, I want to go to Knois because it makes me feel good. This small change surprised him. He got up from the bed, got ready and went out without any guilt. He realized that by changing just one word his entire energy had changed. Throughout the day he tried to apply this practice consciously. When the boss gave him a new project in the office, it immediately came to his mind that I should complete this work. But he stopped himself and thought, do I want to complete this task?
She said to herself yes, because it is good for my growth and will give me an opportunity to learn. This thought gave him excitement instead of stress. When the teenager came home that evening, he realized how peaceful his day had been. He wrote in his diary, Today I saw what a difference removing the shoe makes. Earlier I used to look at every work as a burden but when I made it my choice, that burden became light. After a few days, when Kishore started adopting this practice more deeply, he noticed another pattern in himself. He would often take decisions driven by guilt. If a friend called him and he could not pick up, he would immediately think that I should call him immediately otherwise he would get angry. But now she started thinking, do I want to call now or would it be better to do it later?
One day his friend Rajat came to meet him again. Rajat asked. Friend, how come you are so loud?
I have always lived in guilt. All the time one feels that one should do this or that. Kishore smiled and said, brother, I have learned a new rule to replace should go want or choose. Rajat laughed and said, ‘You also try it.’ It seems very easy, but if I always start saying ‘I want’ then maybe I won’t do anything, like sometimes I think that I should do exercise but honestly I don’t have to do it. Kishore explained to him that this is not an excuse to just do whatever you feel like doing. This practice is so that you reduce guilt and take mindful decisions. If you don’t do exercise then don’t think that I should do it, but think do I want to improve my health?
If yes then automatically you will feel like it and if not genuinely then there will be noise. Then what is the use of punishing yourself by taking guilt?
Rajat understood this. He said, okay, I will also try, but listen, how are you able to understand all this?
Kishore told him about the book. When Kishore was sitting alone at night, he thought about how much his life was changing. He was no longer so harsh on himself. Earlier he used to jazz himself all the time. I should be productive, I should be more social, I should be perfect. But now he had learned to be compassionate with himself. Another thing he noticed when he took the pressure off himself was that he was also less likely to judge others. Earlier, if any of his friends was late in any work, Kishore would think that he should be punctual, but now he thinks that maybe there was a genuine reason for it.

One day, one of his colleagues in the office missed the deadline. Kishore’s first reaction was. He should understand his responsibility. But the very next moment he stopped himself and thought, do I completely understand his situation?
After completing his work, he talked to his colleague and understood his problem. He felt that it was better to give others some space rather than jazzing them up. This practice also affected his relationship. One of her friends, Neha, who often comments on her life choices, came to meet her. He said casually, you should take more care of your health. I have seen that you eat a lot of outside food. Earlier, teenagers used to get irritated after hearing such comments. She used to feel that people were unnecessarily teasing her, but now Kamali thought what?
Neha is genuinely worried about my health. He told him that you are right, I should pay attention to my health. NoiseBut I’ll do it when I feel ready. Neha was surprised to see his calmness. That night Kishore realized how much his mind set had changed just by changing the language. Should had always kept him in guilt or pressure, but now Want or Sucks had created a noise. His life had got balanced. He promised himself that he would continue this practice and share it with others.
The next day he looked at the next chapter of the book and thought, let’s see what else I will learn. He made himself tea and got ready to continue his journey.
Next Chapters
Kishore opened the next chapter of the book. This time the title was Practice Therapist Approved Thought Reframing. She said softly to herself, Thought Reframing, what is this new concept?
He remembered that many times he thought about such things about his life which just bothered him. Perhaps this chapter could help him improve those habits. The first line of the book was Identify and Challenge Distorted Thinking Patterns. Kishore read it and stopped to think. Noise.Distorted Thinking Patterns Is this when I start thinking about the worst case scenario of everything?
Like that day in the office, when his presentation went wrong, he said to himself, I can never do well, I always have to face embarrassment. But was this true?
Did it spread every time?
He realized that he often saw things in black and white as either complete success or complete failure. The book further explains how it is important to recognize and challenge these distorted thoughts. She read. Replace Them With Balanced Perspective for Example Instead of I’ll Never Solve This Problem Try Thinking I Can Break This Down into Smaller Steps This line seemed very practical to her. He thought, basically I have to make my thinking somewhat logical or balanced.
This seems weak. He kept the book aside and thought about how to apply it in his life. He took out his diary and made a column. In the first column he wrote, Distorted Thought and in the second column, Reframe Thought Noise. He first took up a recent problem. Last week, when he was given the responsibility of a big project in the office, his first reaction was. This is not my cup of tea, I will never be able to do it.
He wrote it in the first column. Then in the second column he wrote that this project is difficult. But I can divide it into small steps and complete it by focusing on each step. As soon as he wrote this in his diary, he felt lighter. He thought, man, this concept of reframing works when I can’t help myself, I say noise. So it seems like the whole world is laughing at me, but when I divided it into small steps, it seemed doable.
Next Day In Office
Next day in the office he applied this thought processor again. His team lead was asking him for some corrections and this immediately came to Kishore’s mind. I always make mistakes, I never do anything right, but this time he stopped himself and thought Wait, do I really always make mistakes or is this just a one-time feedback?
She reframed that thought, I have made a small mistake and I can correct it. Her balanced perspective kept her calm and she completed the corrections without any guilt or stress. When he came home in the evening, he realized that he had energy left. Earlier he used to get tired with his negative thoughts throughout the day, but now reframing has kept him mentally relaxed. Knois, she wrote in her diary.
Negative thought patterns eat away our energy. It is necessary to challenge and replace them. After a few days, he applied this technique in his personal life. His sister said to him casually, “You don’t seem as ambitious right now, Knois, as you should be.” At first, he got angry after hearing this. He thought I am always underestimated. Maybe I am useless. But then he remembered what he had learned in his book. She took a deep breath and wondered, does my sister’s comment define my entire personality?
Well, that’s just his perspective. He reframed this thought. My sister is expressing her concerns, but I am taking it as I progress. I believe in myself. This little reframing helped her control her emotions. He said to his sister bluntly, You may be right, but I am growing at my own pace, I am comfortable in my journey.
After thinking something, his sister said, perhaps I was getting unnecessarily angry, you have the right to express yourself. Hearing this, Kishore realized that when you are kind to yourself, people also become gentle with you. A few days later, Kishore decided to address his biggest fear: catastrophizing. He often made small things into such big things.
It seemed impossible to face him. For example, if his friend had canceled her plans to meet him, he might have thought that she had ended her friendship with him.
Now she will never talk to me, but now she challenged this thinking. He wondered, is this such a big deal?
Or could there be a genuine reason for it?
She worked herself up and thought maybe she was busy. I can talk to him later. This practice affected his anxiety. He had now stopped worrying about small things. He wrote in his diary, Knois?
Catastrophizing lets your imagination take over. It is important to bring it into balance. He also started sharing this technique with his friends. One day his friend Rohan came to meet him. Rohan said, my boss always criticizes me. I will probably never be able to live up to his expectations. Kishore smiled and said, brother, this is distorted thinking, you always think that you will excel, but have you ever seen which of your things go right?
Rohan thought for a while and said, yes, maybe I ignore my achievements. Kishore explained to him, see, whenever such a thought comes, write it down and then challenge it, by changing the thinking like I never do anything right, I have made rthe ight decisions many times.
This is just feedback from which I can improve. Rohan agreed to his request and said, “Man, this is interesting, I will try it.” Kishore felt that he not only changed his thinking but also showed the way to change others. He realized that reframing was not just a mental exercise but a life skill. He thought. If I keep practicing this every day, how peaceful or productive can my life be?
Kishore turned to the next page of the book and saw that the new chapter was Developed Daily Mindfulness Techniques. As soon as she read this, she said to herself, ‘Mindfulness, I have heard this many times, but what is it?
How Can It Be Adopted Daily?
At the beginning of the book, it was written, ‘Use simple exercises like deep breathing, journaling or grounding to interrupt overthinking.’ Kishore thought, ‘Overthinking brother, this is my everyday story.’ He realized how even the smallest things would become so big in his mind that he would remain stuck in a rut. He remembered an incident from last week. In the office, the boss had just said that Kishor, your reports can be more detailed.
On hearing this, a scary scenario had formed in his mind. Surely the boss must not have liked my work. Maybe they consider me useless. Maybe I should leave this job. All these thoughts had troubled him so much that he could not sleep the whole night, but now?
After reading about mindfulness techniques in the book, I felt that maybe it could help him. The first thing the book talked about was deep breathing. She read When You’re Overwhelmed Pause and Take a Few Deep Breaths Inhale deeply for four counts, hold for four counts. And slowly for six counts repeat until you feel comfortable. Kishore found it easy and weak. He immediately decided to practice it. Sitting straight on her chair, she took a deep breath, counted to four, paused for a while and then slowly exhaled. After doing this three to four times, she felt that her mind had become somewhat calm. He thought, hey, this is really working. Just such a small thing and such a difference.
Now the teen focused on the next concept she read in the book. Journaling helps stick to your mind and gives you clarity. She immediately took out her diary and wrote, Today in the office I felt that the boss was not happy with my performance, but is this true or just my fear?
She further wrote, Noise. I have received appreciation for my work so far. Maybe this was just a feedback from which I can improve further. As he kept writing, he realized how negative his thinking was and how journaling gave him a clear and balanced perspective. While closing the diary, he thought that journaling was feeling like therapy.
After this, he read about grounding techniques in the book Grounding Anchors You in the Present Moment Use the 54321 Technique Name Five Things You Can See. Four You Can Touch Three You Can Hear Two You Can Smell and One You Can Taste. The teen decided to give it a try. She looked around her. Okay, five things that I can see.
My table, the tree looking out of the laptop window, the cup of tea, the clock. And the clock on the wall. She touched her chair and felt her cup of tea. These were four things he could touch.
Then she heard the sound of a fan, the sound of vehicles coming from outside the window and in the distance she heard someone singing Noise. She realized that she smelled a slight aroma of tea and when she took a small sip of the tea, her taste buds immediately felt comforted. After doing all this exercise, she felt that her semen had become more and more concentrated. He thought, this technique is very effective, I can use it in stressful moments.
The next day in the office, when the boss talked about an agent’s deadline, his anxiety level increased a bit, but this time he stopped himself from panicking. He sat at his place and did deep breathing, after that he thought, get grounded now, Noise. First look at the immediate tasks. He took out his to do list and divided it into small parts.
Every time his mother tried to stop being anxious, he would take a sip of his tea, observe the pen on his table, and pull himself into the present movement. Noise realized that this mindfulness technique not only helped him but also made him productive. In the evening he talked to his friend Rohan about his new techniques. Rohan said, man, all this sounds very good, but where do I have so much time?
I am in a rush from morning till night. Kishore said smilingly, brother, these techniques do not take much time. Deep breathing or grounding is just a 5-minute task, so I can do it in the office itself. I just need 10 minutes for journaling too. Rohan thought and said, ok, I will also try, anyway my mind is full of over thinking. After a few days, Kishore realized that the practice of mindfulness had made a lot of difference in his life. He no longer worried about small things. He had made a routine for his every day. 5 minutes of deep breathing as soon as he woke up, journaling before bed at night, and grounding exercises in the middle of the day whenever he felt anxious.
He wrote in his diary, Mindfulness is adding balance to my life. These techniques are teaching me how to experience every moment fully without worrying. And on the first day of overthinking, when his friend Nitin came to meet him, he said, Man, I always wonder why there is so much stress in my life?
But now when I look at you, it seems that you have become very chill, how?Kishore told him about his mindfulness journey.
She explained deep breathing journaling and grounding exercises. Nitin said, man, I should also try this, especially the grounding technique, sometimes it seems that I just keep thinking about the future and do not enjoy the present. Kishore said, Brother, this is a game changer and the most important thing is that it is so simple that anyone can do it. That night Kishore turned the next page of the book and thought let’s see what the next lesson is.
He took one last sip of tea and started reading. Kishore turned to the next page, ‘Knois’. Where it was written ‘Shift from worrying to problem-solving’. He immediately thought, ‘Man, this has been written for my overthinking and I am like tea and biscuits are always ready together’. The very first paragraph of the book opened his eyes to the idea that overthinking problems rarely leads to solutions instead of allocating specific time for actionable planning. The teenager remembered how much he had worried about his savings and expenses last week. He was calculating his monthly expenses and a calculation mistake was made. That’s it. From there a web of worry started forming in his mind. Man, what if I can’t handle the budget? If an emergency comes, am I exhausting my savings?
He did not have answers to all these questions, but still, his mind had created an imaginary disaster movie. While reading the book, he realized that he makes every problem bigger just by thinking about it. While not moving towards solutions. It was written in the book, Ask What’s One Step, I Can Take Right Now, This Breaks Cycles of Rumination. She immediately took out her diary and wrote ‘Knois. What should I do?’
What should I do?
He simplified his budgeting question to: One, categorize this month’s expenses, two, set aside an emergency fund, three, cut unnecessary expenses. Then he thought, man, I can still do this, Knois. He picked up his phone, made a spreadsheet of expenses, and divided his money into categories. When it was done, he looked at himself and smiled, man, it was not that difficult. Kishore recalled another example of Noise before his presentation in the office last month. He was worrying so much that he started forgetting the points of the presentation. What if I forget the slide? What if the client doesn’t understand what I said and gets embarrassed in front of everyone?
But now when he read the book, he understood that worrying does not solve anything. He thought. I wish at that time I had thought, What’s the next step I can take right now? Maybe I would have looked at the slides again. Another interesting thing in the book was Allocate Specific Time for Actionable Planning. Kishore immediately decided to include it in his schedule. He thought. I will keep 15 minutes every night for planning my next day.
Next Day:-That night he made his to-do list. One office task to finish is two grocery shopping for three evenings while journaling for 15 minutes. When he woke up in the morning, he felt clarity. For the first time, it felt as if his mind was clear before starting the day.
She read in the book Rumination Of Comes From Fear Of The Unknown Breaking Down, Tasks Into Actionable Steps Reduces That. The fearful teen realized that this was the cause of most of his overthinking. Noise.Fear of Unknown. Whenever a new task came, he would get scared thinking whether he would be able to do it properly or not.
But now he thought of adopting a new strategy. Dividing every big task into small actionable steps, he applied this strategy to a difficult office project. At first, he was scared after seeing the project, but this time he told himself,that Kishore just took one step. Once the initial research is done, then the remaining steps will be done gradually. As soon as he divided the project into steps, his fear disappeared and the work began. Day 1 Kishore met his friend Rohan. Rohan complained, friend, everything in my life seems so complicated.
Everything is just confusing and stressful. Kishore told him the things he learned from the book. He said look, worrying doesn’t solve anything, just ask yourself. What small step can I take right now?Rohan looked at him and said, friend, this seems very simple but does it work? Kishore laughed and said brother, I am experimenting on this, believe me?
This is very useful. Earlier, everything seemed impossible to me. But now I just divide the tasks into small steps and solve them one by one. After a few weeks, the teenager noticed that a big change had taken place in his life. Now instead of worrying about problems, he used to spend time solving them. He realized that problems would always come in life. Knois?
But their solution will be found only when they take action. That night he turned the next page of the book and thought, let’s see what is the next lesson.
Next Lesson
He said to himself, I am getting better with every chapter. This book has become the course character of my life. Noise.
The teenager turned the next page of the book and realized that he was no longer the same as before. His thinking was changing. The tools the book had given him had begun to simplify his life practically. Whatever he learned by reading the chapters had now become a part of his daily life.
Every time he was faced with a problem, instead of panicking like before or thinking about the worst-case scenario, he would pause and think, OK, now how can I find a solution to this? As he progressed in his journey?
Progressed Journey
He felt that a new clarity had come in his life, he had learned to manage his emotions and thoughts. Now neither did he burden himself with excessive guilt, nor did he get trapped in negative thinking patterns. One day a big crisis occurred in the office. A client’s project got stuck in the middle and the entire team was under pressure. Had I been a teenager earlier, I would have been so stressed that I couldn’t do my work, but now it was work. He asked himself what can I do right now to solve this problem?
He divided the problem into steps. A Noise. First, understand the exact issue from the client. Brainstorming with two teams to start working on three immediate fixes, his work and logical approach inspired the team and the problem was solved within a few hours. Later, his manager praised him and said, Kishore, the maturity with which you handled the situation is commendable. Your approach increased everyone’s confidence. That day, Kishore realized that he had started on the path to becoming a better leader not only for himself but for others as well. Kishore read a big thing in the last chapters of the book. Life is not about avoiding problems but about learning to handle them effectively. He thought, man, this is right.
Earlier I used to try to avoid problems, but now I deal with them face to face. And to be honest, this has also increased my self-confidence. Gradually he fully integrated mindfulness techniques into his life. 10 minutes of deep breathing and journaling every morning became her habit. He also started a gratitude journal, in which he wrote down three things he was thankful for every day. He also talked to his friends and family about the change. His mother said one day, earlier you used to be very upset and irritable but now there is a strange peace inside you. How did all this happen?
How Did all this happen?
The teenager smiled and said, Mom, I have just changed my way of thinking. Instead of seeing everything as a problem, I try to solve it and have just started with small habits. She felt that her relationship was also improving. Where earlier he used to get irritated over small things, he now handles serious situations with ease. He learned empathetic listening and started trying to understand others. So friends, this was today’s book Eliminate Negative Thinking By Derick Howell summary ,how did you like it?