Ts Grewal Class 12 Book PDF Download 2020:-I am going to tell you the best book for class 12th commerce accountancy, so please be very attentive to the window. So let’s start first of all, we will talk about the best book for class 12th commerce for accountancy subject.
Ts Grewal Class 12 Book Pdf Download 2020 | PDF Download |
English | Medium/CBSE |
So in that, you guys have to read three books. As you can see, this is our first book. This is our third book. This is our second book. Then this is our third book, so these are the three books that we have to read for class 12th commerce for accountancy subject. So let’s talk a little about the first book and also see its price, what is its price?
How is it, what is not, so look at this book, the name of this book is T S Aggarwal Double Entry Book Keeping Volume One Subject. So this is our real one and you guys should try and whenever you buy any book, buy the new edition one.
What happens with that is that we get to know about the changes that keep happening and we can study well. So we will open this book in which you can see that first of all, whatever chapter you have, it will tell you about that chapter in full detail.
After that, it will give some questions here, it will tell you everything. After this, you will get a lot of questions to do in it, and along with the questions, everything from MCQ to Flame the Blank is there for you. In full detail, as you can see here, this book is a little thick, but it is the very best book.
There are so many questions for accountancy and see here it is there in a lot of chapters, from the first to the eighth chapter. After this, let us see its price, what is its price?
So its price is. ₹510 is a bit expensive but it is the best. Let’s talk about the next book, our Double Entry Book Keeping Knowledge. This is also by S. Grewal. Volume two of that was volume one. There is the first one and the second volume two, so let’s look at this as well.
So in this also you can see that there are complete questions about the first chapter in full detail, then there are many questions to answer. In this, you will get only two chapters to read. If you read according to the syllabus, you will come to know. It is a very good book.
There are a lot of questions in this and one special thing in this is that when we have viva etc. then which questions come on it, that too has been told to you in full detail. Selfish questions and long questions for the exam have been told to you in great detail and its price is 320 i.e. ₹ 320. Let’s talk about the next book.
So next comes our Analysis of Financial Statement by T S Groll. This is also a textbook for CBSE class 12. Many people use it in CBSE, so it is written as CBSE class 12, so this is our volume three. You people can say either volume one or volume two or this is part two. Because it has been divided into two parts. When you people see the format of CBSE, the format of the paper, then it is also the same in it.
The first 60 marks come from two books and 80 and the remaining 20 marks come from the third book, i.e. from this book itself, so let’s take a look at it from inside. So you can see there are a lot of questions as well. The whole concept is there, it is explained here as well, and its price is ₹515, when we total everything, then how much will you get the book, let’s see, that means ₹1345, and you will get it at a slight discount.
You guys can also buy second hand, but don’t buy it which is too old, I have told you everything, so I hope you all have understood, thank you so much for watching this video, the review of this book, this Ka 12 accountancy book which is written by T S Grewal, okay and this is volume first.
So these are our contents, you have to read chapter seven and you can check that. So yes, this chapter on carding for partnership funds fundamentals is our meaning definition of partnership, the theory is given in it very well. So the theory behind this is in the book, right?
It is given much better than that. It is given in very easy language, very detailed, and structured. A very good theory is given in it and if you give it its old edition then there is no problem with that too. There will be no change in it, you can make some changes in the theory and questions.
So quite good. If you compare this book with DK then I will comment on this. This is quite good and can be taken. Everything is spun in the form of four charts, partner’s capital account, fixed capital account, which comes to capital account, capital account, and current account.
So you can see and this table is given, basis has been given to explain the difference. Basis is very important for exam registration 12 when capital is a type of question.
Next Topic Fast Adjustments Adjustment for Incorrect Appropriation of Profit in Past After Closing the Book Okay so we were given the steps. How to calculate it is explained in full. Stepwise. So it is quite correct. Have to come soon with the review of this book, its review is also fine Till them by.