Vedic Maths Book Pdf

I represent the Vedic Maths for India one of the best books. I learned Vedic Maths called Vedic Mathematics by Tirthaji he was a Shankaracharya of Puri and he wrote the book Vedic Mathematics and in that book, he is given 16 sutras and thiratin all sutras by a witch. 

Anyone can do mathematics The book is amazing. It covers a lot of topics right from arithmetic to coordinate geometry and it is over 300 pages Language can be difficult at times because it is in coded form but it is the best book available on the planet today to learn Vedi Kumari I have disrespect author his name IS Mr. Rajesh Kumar Thakur and he writes some amazing books on Vedic Mathematics and General Maths also so his. The book recently launched, and it was called Vedic Maths Book Pdf.

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Vedic Maths Book Pdflink 2

Where You Can Learn Some Advanced Application On The Topic Also Apart From Rajesh Kumar Thakur I Would Like To Recommend Anadar Book By A Close Friend Of Mine His Name Is Dhaval Bhatia, He Is Written If You Are Looking For Just For Beginner Stuff Simple Language Go For Vedic Maths for Beginners by Dhawal Bhatia Thats an Amazing Book I Do Have Had the Channel 2 Right to BooksOne of Which Is Called.

Masutra and the Masutra This book is over 300 pages it has topics as well as exercises at the end of the book so it covers nineteen topics from Multiplication Edition Subtraction DivisionSquare Square Roots Cube Cube Roots Quadrant Equations Simultaneous Equations Talenders it has it all so if you are looking for to crack A Commutative Examination or Participate Looking for some alternative techniques for schools Go for this book and I am sure it’s the simple language. 

Vedic Maths Book Pdf

And the graphics you like The next book I have also written specifically for kids is called Math Sutras from Around the World This book is also available on Amazon and the Kids Up To Grade 300 is called Math Sutra from Around the World. 

So I have taken not only the Vedic concepts but concepts from around the world also for division I have shared a method from Egypt certain concepts have been taken for word problems by the Singapore Math Method and a couple of other methods. Also, I have covered a puzzle in this book. Called Kankan Kankan is an amazing puzzle for Japan so if you are looking for something for your kid to learn basic Vedic maths learning Vedic techniques go for this book it is a cool book so it is called maths with some around-the-world speed calculations on your finger Tips. 

Apart from the books they also have videos available you can go on or site and order a video which is which has detailed over 1000 examples solved and you get the book along with it also so all the best and wish you happy learning.

I have purchased these two languages. One is Vedic Mathematics in English and the other is that your Vedic generation is fine. Both books are by the same author, so why?

I am reviewing this book by unboxing it. Let me tell you right now. So, even in the market, you will be able to see books on Vedic Mathematics whose cover page is different from these two, then know that it is not original. That book has been taken from both of these books. 

Okay, this one is in English. This is the translated version of it. Vedic Mathematics is fine in Hindi and except for these two books, Jeene is also available in the market. All of it was taken from Vedic mathematics. He has created it based on the formula. 

Okay, so these books are original. And Vedic Mathematics, which is your book, is being published by your Motilal Banarasi Das Publications. Okay, where you guys are from, it was made in other languages ​​also earlier. Currently, it is made in very few languages. Only English, Hindi, Marathi, and Telugu are being made in very few languages ​​like this.

So right now let me show you these two books, first let me show you this one. In the English one, you can see that its cover earlier was like this. Well, in the same way, it was in English too, so this new cover has changed to 19 Aapka 2000. 

Since 2000, they have changed this cover to this one. In the English version, except for the English worker, in all the other languages, Hindi, and Marathi, all the same figures have been created in it. Okay, so now if I look closely at the book again, then you will be able to see that it is written here, Jagat Guru Shankaracharya Bharati Krishna Tirtha Yatra Maharaj. 

Okay, Govardhan Mathapuri, the best seller here, the best seller here, you will be able to see the logo and if you look on this side, you will see the same Jagat Guru here too. His name is written here and if you see here, this is your publication, this is their logo. Okay, if you look at the back side, then see the price here. 

I purchased this long ago for Rs. 175, for two thousand 13, now its price has become around Rs. 225, here Motilal Banarasi Das Public Private Limited is fine and here is ISBN. If we look inside it, then it is something like this here is the colorful photo of Guru Ji, okay, and here is my Akchawali signature, I had made it in Two Thousand 13, and here is the editor’s note, etc. 

This one is the revised version, this is in Two Thousand 13. So this is after the add-note, this is after that, and here is your content. Okay. So here you get the Akchawali starting from page one itself. So here is the first thing that has been written about Guruji and it starts from page one. 

This book of yours is fine, this book is the beginning of your life. It is a very good book but I have purchased the Achchavali Hindi version. Therefore, because some verses in it were correct as per that time but the translation of which was not available properly, I could not get it, so I have given the Hindi version because it is easier for me.

Okay, now I will show the Hindi version also. If you look here, on the front side you will be able to see Vedic mathematics written, Jagadguru Swami Shri Bharti Krishna KG Maharaj is written. 

If you look on this side also, there is their name and Vedic Mathematics and here they have the logo of Motilal Banarasi Das and see here this one is the latest one I have purchased, its price is Rs 225, it is fine and if you look on this side, it is a black and white photo, but in the English version, you used to get it, now it is available in black and white, okay, now it also has the same thing, there is nothing different in it, it is the same. 

The same has been given and yours starts from page one itself, which is your Vedic Mathematics, here, all your winning formulas are 1600.16 is your formula and 13 is your formula, which is here, it will start from one. 

It is a very good book, so those who are comfortable with English should buy the English one, and those who are comfortable with Hindi should buy the Hindi one. And if you get some award in the Hindi one which you are not comfortable with, then you have to go here, then you can buy the English one too and if you are buying both, then it is even better and I would like to tell you that these two books are also more popular in your market, all of them have been taken from this book only. And Bharti. 

This is the only book written by Krishna Ji Ji Maharaj. He has not written any other book after that, so if you want to win, then purchase any one of these two books or purchase both of them, it will give you very good benefits. 

This is also to win in the market. All the Vedic Mathematics are there, everything has been copied from them only. Okay and so both of these are original and always know. Whenever you do Vedic Mathematics, always try Call. 

Look at the author here, its author will always be Bharti Krishna Tripya Ji Maharaj. And here your publisher is Motilal Benarasi Das. You will get his logo here. Okay, if this thing is not there then know that it is not original. 

This is another book of some other publication. And if you want to purchase this book, then I will give you the link in the description below, from there also you can purchase this book.

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